7x7 HD Lace Closure Straight

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7x7 HD Lace Closure Straight

7x7 hd lace closure straight is a new hair closure which has recently been introduced in beauty forever hair shop. This kind of lace closure is made of human hair and it is pre-plucked. It is a very new hair product and it is available at cheap price. It is a good choice for people who want to make a black human hair wig.

The 7x7 lace closure is very versatile as it covers a larger area and allows you to have even wider or deeper parts than with the standard 5x5 lace closure. It also provides a more natural looking scalp coverage and can be styled in many different ways. It can be worn with either 2 or 3 bundles depending on your desired thickness and length.

The lace used for this closure is light brown and is durable and breathable. It is very easy to blend in with your natural hair color and will not create any bald spots. It is also easy to bleach, but you must be careful so that you do not ruin the lace or the hair.

Tags:7x7 transparent lace closure straight | kinky straight
